Most weeks we offer a checker or cubing problem to kick around before play starts - discussion is always lively and informative! It's a great way to learn and to get to know other club members.
Safe vs Bold - sorted
6 principles
Revision Time 3
Safe or Bold?
Prime vs Prime part 2
Timing is all
Safety Now, Soon, or Later?
10/7 10/6, or 14/7, or 8/4 7/4
When to Up Anchor?
A useful maxim to help you decide
Butterfly Time Again
How to handle the butterfly anchor
You Can Win This!
You have 42% winning chances if you make the right move. But what is it?
Early Days…
What’s your game plan here, and what’s the best move for that plan?
Bearing in Safely
There’s only one way to play this 61 - can you find it?
Hit or Point?
A clear choice to make
Your first move - part 3
White has made their 2 point. What’s your response?
Your first move - part 2
White has split and built with 64. What’s your response?