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Prime Time?

Ignore the quiz factor


Problem 64 from "Classic Backgammon Revisited" by Jeremy Bagai

XG skin design by Rain


This week we introduce another of Peter Bennet's recommended books - 'Classic Backgammon Revisited', where Jeremy Bagai goes back over the sacred texts of old and tells us where - and crucially why! - the modern bots would play things differently.

We all know a 5-prime is strong, particularly when your opponent hasn't anchored at the edge of it. We also know the dangers of back checkers getting trapped, and how that can easily lead to an unfortunate crunch. But a 6-prime is so nice! What to do?

I won't give Bagai's full explanation here - you really should read it. His whole book is stuffed full of clear and concise analysis. Suffice to say that if you pondered this for long he says you're an intermediate. If you got it instantly wrong you're an expert, and if you got it instantly right you're either a beginner or a bot!

So what's the correct answer? "Six-primes are very strong". Making the 6-prime with 10/4 6/4 it is. Escaping with 23/17 10/8 is a major blunder.

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