What happens when you ask AI to create a picture of a backgammon ladder? Well, you can see the result alongside.... it does seem to take things quite literally and has invented a new backgammon board for us to try out, not to mention the playing location being somewhat unusual.
Meanwhile, back in the real world the BGiE ladders for 2024 are developing nicely. Tariq Siddiqi has switched his focus from winning the Grand Prix title to topping the overall Ealing ladders on both Hub and UKBGF.
Gavin Anderson, Henry Keane, Jonathan Shaul and Mihail Popa complete the top 5 on Hub and in a slightly different order on UKBGF too. There's still lots to play for though and things could change significantly by the end of the year.
This Monday we played two Swiss tournaments, won by Tariq and Yas. Congratulations to them both and thanks to everyone who came along and played.
Next Monday is Grand Prix night and Mihail Popa will be your TD. We hope to see you there - register now!