It's that time of year, when it gets dark early, Christmas comes around quicker than you expect - and players make their final moves to top the ratings ladders.
The outstanding example of this has to be Darryl Artt (pictured) who just this week has topped the UKBGF ladder for Ealing club for the first time this year.
Talk about stealth and a perfectly timed run - and one which doesn't look like it can be overturned in the time remaining! Darryl had a great run of 6 wins on the weekend, reaching the final of our 1 day tournament.
Also trying to sneak over the line, this time in the BGiE club standings, where we reward both wins and attendance, we have Dan Feeny, Gavin Anderson and Tariq Siddiqi.
Tariq already holds the GP crown and to add the club standings crown to that would make for a pretty special double that we suspect would be very difficult to repeat. The final few matches left to play this year will provide the answer.
Meanwhile, Monday night saw quite a few diehards (one might even say addicts) come out to play yet more backgammon after the marathon of play all day on Sunday. The 2 Swiss tournaments were won by (you guessed it) Tariq Siddiqi and Aydin Kolcak. Congratulations to them and thanks to everyone else for coming out to play.