We're talking about one of the enduring legends of the game and our club - Tariq Siddiqi (in the foreground of the pic.)
It's taken him nine and half years to 3 July 2023 to rack up 17,545 experience points on the UKBGF live ratings system. That puts him in number 1 position in the UK, way ahead of anyone else.
To put his achievement in perspective, that's the equivalent of playing five qualifying 7 pt matches every week for 9.5 years, even through Covid (when it was not possible to play live, so the number of matches per week is in reality even higher.) On top of that Tariq tells us there are a whole lot of matches he's played at Holland Park club, which he runs, that have not been uploaded!
Tariq is also currently in no 1 position in the BGiE Grand Prix rankings at the midpoint of the year, with a racing lead that could see him win the whole thing. Next Monday is the July Grand Prix night - register now to join the action.
And with the UKBGF membership number '6' you can tell Tariq's been around a while and seen it all before. Which makes him all the more remarkable - Tariq's always enthusiastic and up for more backgammon!
Unfortunately Tariq didn't win the knockout last night - that went to Shino who beat Peter Bennet in the final. Dan Feeny (pictured next to Tariq) won one of the Swiss and the other went to Robert Breen. Congratulations to them all and thanks to everyone who turned out for another great night of backgammon.